proven deer hunting tips

Mastering Deer Hunting: 11 Expert Tips for Success!

Uncover proven deer hunting tips ! Learn effective techniques, gear recommendations, and essential tracking methods. Start your hunting journey today!

When it comes to finding and catching a rare whitetail deer, whether you are a pro or just starting out, there is always room for improvement. What exactly is this? We have some insider information on several professional pointers that can help you in your search.

This blog post will cover everything from interpreting deer body language and removing your scent to analyzing whitetail indications and effectively positioning your stand. We’ll also go through how to approach injured animals properly, how to adjust your deer hunting strategy to the weather, and even how to use a suppressor. So gather our supplies and use this tried-and-true proven deer hunting tips to master deer hunting!

proven deer hunting tips

  • Focus on controlling smells.
  • Make the wind your buddy.
  • Just be quiet! during deer hunting
  • Make preparations using your imagination.
  • Don’t allow your deer stand to reveal your true identity.
  • Know your surroundings
  • Aim for a low predictability score.
  • Consider yourself a doe stalker.
  • Recognize how the rut affects things.
  • Avoid getting caught using technology
  • Take a moral shot

Note: Below, we discuss proven deer hunting tips in detail

proven Deer Hunting tips in 2023 in Detail

Deer hunting has changed throughout the years, and using the most recent methods can significantly increase your chances of success. When hunting deer in 2023, there are a few deer hunting tips to remember.

Recognizing that technology now plays a more significant role than ever is critical. You may learn much about deer movement patterns and find good hunting sites using trail cameras and scouting applications.

Being flexible is essential. Deer behavior varies from season to season due to factors such as weather and food availability. Keep track of any local habitat changes and adjust your strategy as needed.

Safety should always come first when going for deer hunting. Ensure you have all the licenses and permits your state or region requires. Additionally, observe all firearm safety instructions and dress visibly and appropriately.

Keeping these pointers in mind, you can improve your chances of success while ensuring a secure and enjoyable deer hunting experience in 2023.

Signs of Whitetail Deer

Understanding the clues whitetail deer leave behind is essential for successful hunting. You may learn much from these indications about their activity and behavior in a specific location. Tracks are one of the most typical indicators; check for hoof marks in mud or soft ground. The size and spacing of the deer’s tracks can reveal information about the deer’s age and gender.

Another red flag to look for is rubbing and scraping on trees. Bucks brush their antlers against the trunks of trees. Bucks paw at the ground, leaving scent-producing glands between their hooves in locations known as scrapes. 

Fresh droppings are a good sign that deer have just been in the area, so keep an eye out for   “scat.” You may learn where deer are moving, feeding, mating, and resting by carefully observing these indicators, which can improve your chances of having a successful hunt.

Getting Rid of Your Scent

Most important deer hunting tip is to Ensuring your scent doesn’t reveal your presence is essential to effective deer hunting. Since whitetail deer have an exceptionally acute sense of smell, taking precautions to eliminate traces of human odor is crucial. Here are some suggestions for lessening your field’s scent.

Ensure that you properly clean yourself and your hunting equipment using unscented soaps and detergents before setting out. Avoid wearing aromatic items such as aftershave or perfume that can alert the deer to your presence.

Use hunting-specific scent-control clothes or sprays if possible.

 These items can assist in eliminating scents and keeping you hidden from deer. Follow the application directions carefully to ensure these products work effectively.

While deer hunting, pay attention to the direction of the wind. So that the deer won’t smell you, place yourself downwind from where you anticipate them to come. While you wait for the ideal shot opportunity, this tactical placement will dramatically boost your chances of remaining undiscovered.

You’ll significantly increase your chances of having a successful whitetail deer hunt without giving away any signs of human presence by taking these steps to remove your scent!

Using discretion in the field

Being discrete is essential for deer hunting success. A trophy buck could be yours if you sneak into the field unnoticed, or you could leave empty-handed. Here are some pointers for sneaking around in the field.

First, proceed quietly and slowly. To prevent disturbing close deer, avoid stepping on twigs or rustling leaves. Take slow, deliberate steps to reduce noise and evenly distribute your weight throughout each step.

Adapt your attire for camouflage. Dress in a way that complements your environment, and employ grass or tree patterns to draw attention to your silhouette. You’ll be able to blend in better and make it harder for deer to notice you if you do this.

Judiciously use cover. Use trees, bushes, or any other natural features of the landscape as cover as you travel to your preferred hunting location. If you stay out of sight, you have a better chance of sneaking up close enough for a clear shot.

The next time you’re out in the field, keep these suggestions in mind.

 Being covert can significantly increase your chances of having a successful hunt.

Deer body language: a guide to understanding

Deer are highly observant animals. Thus, a hunter needs to be able to interpret their body language. You can learn much about someone’s actions and intentions by becoming familiar with their behavior and communication indicators.

Pay great attention to where the deer’s ears are located. The deer is tranquil and unaware of any potential danger while relaxed or leaning slightly forward. They may have picked up on something strange in that area if their ears abruptly perked up or turned in that direction.

Watch a deer’s tail to see how it moves. A tail that flickers or twitches frequently indicates alertness or anxiety. A deer’s tail may suddenly stand up like a flag, warning other animals of potential danger if it detects your presence or feels danger nearby.

Take note of the deer’s head and neck posture. It feels secure and at ease when grazing contentedly in a broad field with its head lowered. On the other hand, if a buck maintains an upright stance with its head held high while examining its surroundings, it is wary of potential threats and should be treated with extra caution.

It takes time and experience to become an expert at reading deer body language, but it can dramatically improve your deer hunting abilities. Watch for changes in ear position, tail motions, and head and neck postures to predict how these beautiful animals will respond to certain situations.

Correct preparation and coverage:

Preparation and adequate coverage are essential for success when hunting whitetail deer. Appropriate tools and attire are crucial to being cozy and covered in various weather conditions.

Spend money on high-quality camouflage apparel appropriate for the environment you will be hunting in. This will make it more difficult for deer to notice you by breaking up your shape. In addition, since deer have keen senses of smell, think about applying scent-blocking remedies to lessen the stench of humans.

Do as much research as you can on the area you intend to hunt in.

 Study maps or employ GPS technology to find prospective deer transit routes or bedding locations. You can set up a shop where they will likely pass by, correctly positioning yourself based on their mobility patterns.

A weather prediction should always be checked before going on a hunt. Rain can have an impact on both visibility and sound transmission capacity. Pack waterproof clothing, like raincoats and boots, to keep dry during stormy weather.

You can boost your chances of remaining undetected by deer while increasing your chances of having a successful hunt by following these instructions for adequate coverage and preparation.

Keeping an eye on the deer Hunting Field

Being able to adequately observe the field is a crucial ability for deer hunting. To do this, carefully scan your surroundings for any signs of deer activity, using your binoculars or scope to examine the area, looking for any movement or warning signs like tracks, rubs, scrapes, or droppings. You can learn much from these clues about the deer’s movement and feeding routes.

Next, consider natural elements like water sources or lush foliage that may draw deer. Look for locations with recent feeding activity, such as regions with fresh browse or acorn-filled trees. Additionally, pay attention to topographic changes that can result in funnels or pinch points where deer might pass.

While in your stand or blind, remember to remain patient and vigilant.

 Keep your mouth shut and your body steady, watching for any movement in your peripheral vision. Keep an eye on how other animals respond; if they suddenly freeze or get frightened, that may be a clue that a deer is nearby.

You can improve your chances of seeing those elusive whitetail bucks by developing the skill of paying close and meticulous attention to the field when you hunt.

judicious stand placement

The location of your stand is one of the most essential factors to achieve success in deer hunting. Finding a location with adequate visibility, simple access, and consideration of wind direction and cover is crucial. Look for natural funnels or pinch points where deer will likely travel while choosing your stand location. These can be small stretches of terrain, such as ridges or creek crossings, that lie between two more significant regions.

The direction of the predominant wind in your hunting location is an additional essential consideration. Since deer have an acute sense of smell, standing upwind from where they are likely to move is crucial. It will lessen the likelihood of them smelling you.

Consider the amount of cover that is nearby your preferred stand site. Ideally, You should have enough foliage or trees to conceal you and break up your silhouette. Look for areas with solid background cover, such as thick vegetation or fallen timber, to make it more difficult for deer to see you when they are nearby.

Remember that strategically placing your stand will put you in the ideal location, considerably increasing your chances of a successful hunt!

How to Time Your Stand Position:

This proven deer hunting tip is timing the placement of your stand is a crucial component of successful deer hunting. The timing might significantly impact your odds of seeing and killing a whitetail deer.

It’s crucial to comprehend the seasonal rhythms and dietary preferences of deer. Bucks are more dependable early in the season and often visit food sources during the day. Your chances of success can be improved by setting up your stand close to these food sources.

Bucks become highly active and are constantly on the move, looking for things during the rut. You can catch a buck at this exciting time by setting up stands close to doe bedding areas or along transportation routes.

Additionally, choosing the right time of day to set a stand requires understanding when deer are most active. Crepuscular animals like whitetails are most active at dawn and twilight. You can increase your chances of getting shot by setting up during these times in a location with high deer activity.

Remember that timing is crucial in choosing where to set up your stand for the best outcomes when hunting whitetail deer.

Getting into Your Stand: Techniques

Getting into your stand is essential when whitetail deer hunting. Here are several methods to facilitate doing just that:

1. Study the direction of the wind before setting out and organize your approach accordingly. To ensure that any scent you leave behind will not attract the attention of the deer, try coming from the side of your stand that is downwind.

2. Quiet Steps: To reduce noise, move slowly and deliberately as you approach your stand. Take care not to step on any branches or dried leaves that can reveal your location.

3. Employ cover: As you draw closer to your stand, employ natural cover, such as trees or bushes, if possible. Deer will find you less efficient due to your silhouette being broken up this way.

Remember, sneaking into your stand boosts your chances of having a good hunt by decreasing the possibility of scaring the nearby deer. Therefore, consider these strategies the next time you go on a whitetail expedition.

Implementing Deer Drag Scents

proven deer hunting tip is Utilizing deer drag odors is an efficient method that can dramatically increase your deer hunting success. These scents entice bucks and draw them closer to your hunting location by simulating a doe in estrus. To use this technique, stroll to your stand or blind while carrying a drag rag or string saturated with smell.

The aroma will leave a trail as you go through the forest that curious deer can follow. This can lead to possibilities for up-close encounters and raise the likelihood that your shot will be effective. For best efficiency throughout your hunt, remember to frequently renew the smell.

Choose deer to drag smells from well-known manufacturers that produce high-quality goods. Search for fragrances that closely mimic actual doe pee and avoid poor imitations that could not work either.

Deer drag fragrances can help you attract more bucks and increase your chances of bagging a trophy whitetail by including them in your hunting plan.

Techniques for Dealing with Hurt Deer

It’s crucial to be ready for any conceivable situation when hunting. One such instance is coming upon an injured deer. Having a strategy to deal with this circumstance ethically and efficiently is critical.

Give the deer some time after the shot before tracking it. As a result, the animal can relax and experience less stress. Ensure you stay on course by paying close attention to blood trails and using markers.

When you find the injured deer, cautiously approach it from behind or at an angle so it won’t notice you coming. Observe its body language; if it appears alive but immobile, you might think about killing it with a well-placed follow-up shot.

After you’ve taken care of the animal, field dress it right away to maintain the quality of the meat. Respect the process by using all parts carefully and handling them with care.

Keep in mind that managing wounded deer requires tact and expertise. Implementing these tactics ensures moral hunting behavior and increases your chances of success.

How to Safely Approach a Dead Animal

It’s crucial to approach a dead animal cautiously during deer hunting. Keeping everyone safe should always come first, even if the pursuit is done. Here are some pointers for carefully approaching a deceased animal:

Before approaching the animal, ensure your firearm is unloaded and the safety is engaged. To avoid mishaps, always treat all firearms as if they were loaded. Not immediately in front of the animal but rather from behind or beside it. By doing this, the carcass’s potential surprises and abrupt movements will be reduced.

The next step is to scan the area around the deer with binoculars or a scope for any signs of movement or other animals nearby. Predators like coyotes or bears frequently eat the carcasses of dead deer. As you carefully and discreetly approach, watch for any potential hazards.

When handling the carcass, use gloves to prevent contact with blood and other bodily fluids that could transfer infections. Always respect the environment by properly disposing of waste and removing any traces of your presence.

Adhering to these rules can secure your security and appropriate moral conduct when approaching a downed deer during your hunt.

Using a Suppressor While Deer Hunting

Numerous advantages can be had while deer hunting while using a suppressor. The noise your gun makes is reduced, which makes it less likely to scare neighboring deer or alert them to your location. This is particularly helpful in regions where the deer population is wary or under strain.

Using a suppressor can also help protect your hearing. Reducing the noise level of a rifle shot is crucial for long-term health since its loud blast can eventually lead to irreparable harm.

A suppressor might additionally aid in reducing your gun’s recoil and muzzle rise. That facilitates quicker follow-up shots when necessary and increases accuracy in general.

When utilizing a suppressor for deer hunting, abide by all applicable local laws. It’s crucial to pick one that works with the particular rifle and caliber you own. Deer hunting with a suppressor can improve your field experience and your odds of success with the right tools and obedience to the rules.

Understanding the Wind and How It Affects deer Hunting

Wind awareness is essential for successful whitetail deer hunting. Your chances of approaching a deer undetected depend primarily on the direction and speed of the wind. You can make wiser choices in the field if you comprehend how wind behaves in various hunting scenarios.

Before erecting your stand or blind, consider the direction of the wind. Deer have an acute sense of smell, so if they detect even the slightest hint of your scent carried by the breeze, they will most likely flee before you can fire a shot. To ensure that whatever fragrance you generate is blown away from deer’s paths, position yourself downwind from where you anticipate there to be deer.

During your hunt, pay attention to any variations in the wind patterns. The wind may change abruptly during the day due to temperature changes or topographical factors. To avoid attracting the attention of wary deer, be flexible and ready to change your position.

When hunting on windy days, use natural barriers like hills or dense foliage as shelter. These physical characteristics make it more difficult for deer to precisely locate the source of odors because they can interrupt airflow and create swirling winds. While waiting for a shooting opportunity, you can boost your chances of remaining undiscovered by choosing a strategic location close to these obstructions.

For successful deer hunting, paying attention to the wind conditions is essential. Throughout your hunt, pay attention to any changes in the wind patterns in addition to the original setup. When possible, hide behind natural barriers and move as far downwind from probable targets as possible.

Scouting of the deer Hunting Area

Before setting foot in the field, you must prepare for a successful deer hunt. Pre-hunt land scouting is an essential factor to take into account. You can learn important information about deer movement patterns and identify suitable stand positions by spending the time to thoroughly research your hunting territory.

When scouting, look for deer activity indicators such as tracks, rubs, or scrapes. Pay attention to regions where animals will be sleeping and food supplies like acorn trees or fields of crops. Observe any natural choke points or funnels that might direct deer movement toward the area where you plan to set up your stand.

Technology can supplement physical indicators as a valuable tool in land surveys. Use trail cameras set in strategic locations along trails or near feeding sites to take pictures of deer activity at various times of the day.

Remember that pre-hunt land investigation is a continuous procedure rather than a one-time activity. Throughout the hunting season, watch for changes in deer behavior in your hunting region and alter your technique as necessary. When it’s time to head out into the field, you can boost your chances of success by conducting extensive land scouting!

Positivity and a keen sense of wildlife cues

Patience is a crucial attribute for successful deer hunting. Understanding that deer travel at their own pace will help you avoid rushing and damaging your chances of having a good hunt. Patience is essential while watching animal signs.

Spend some time researching the local deer’s behavioral characteristics. Find out about their feeding routines, favorite travel routes, and sleeping locations. Recognizing these cues, you can position yourself where deer will likely pass by.

Be on the lookout for tiny indicators like brand-new tracks or scrapes on trees. You can learn important information about recent deer activity in the area from these little clues. Look for rubs or droppings because these can indicate whether mature bucks are nearby.

Spend some time sitting quietly and paying close attention to your surroundings. Deer have acute senses and will detect any abnormal sounds or movements. Keep calm and study the area with binoculars or a spotting scope for any movement that might point to the presence of deer.

Remember that developing patience and learning to recognize animal indications will significantly improve your chances of a successful hunt. So the next time you’re in the field, take your time, be silent, and let nature direct your steps.

Weather-Related Adaptation:

Adapting to the weather is essential for success when hunting whitetail deer. Knowing how the weather influences deer behavior might offer you an advantage whether you’re dealing with rain, wind, or high temperatures.

The first thing to remember when deer hunting in the rain is that deer frequently bed down and seek cover during heavy rains. You should therefore modify your strategy in light of this. Look for places with dense foliage or thickets where deer will likely seek refuge.

Deer tend to be more wary when it is windy outside. In addition to hiding your movements, the rustling of leaves and branches makes it more difficult for you to hear the approaching game. Utilize natural cover, like trees or brush piles, and move cautiously and carefully.

Extreme temperatures may also impact deer activity. When it’s hot outside, they can move less during the day and prefer to feed at night when it’s cooler. Consider altering your hunting schedule to take advantage of more extraordinary times of the day, such as early morning or late evening.

Whatever the weather, always remember that adaptability is the key to successful whitetail deer hunting.

Planning for Sunrise and Sunset

The hours between sunrise and dusk are critical for deer hunting. Deer are more active and migrate to or from their feeding sites as the sun rises or sets. Making the necessary preparations is crucial to maximizing these great moments.

Plan your hunt so you can get there early in the morning or stay until after dusk, depending on which is preferable. That lets you set up your stand or blind without upsetting any nearby prospective players.

Utilize optics like binoculars or a higher-magnification scope at these times to your advantage, taking advantage of the low-light conditions. It will make it easier for you to see deer activity at night, when they might be less cautious.

When hunting at dawn and dusk, pay attention to the direction of the wind. Positioning oneself upwind from where you anticipate deer to move can give you an edge by keeping your scent away from them, as deer mainly rely on their sense of smell.

Your chances of finding and successfully harvesting a whitetail deer increase if you prepare for sunrise and dusk for deer hunting in advance. Set your alarms early and make sure you’re prepared!

Effective Walking Methods

Effective and efficient walking can significantly impact your success during deer hunting. Here are some pointers to help you develop effective field walking methods:

Pay attention to where you put your feet. Step carefully and avoid making noises like crunching leaves or snapping twigs because these actions may draw the attention of neighboring deer. To reduce noise, seek softer ground or use natural covers like boulders or downed branches.

Keep your breathing slow and deliberate. Rushing through the forest can increase your chance of tripping or creating extra noise. As you move forward, take your time and thoroughly inspect the surroundings.

Using stalking tactics as necessary entails moving cautiously and methodically while remaining low to the ground and hiding behind any available cover, like bushes or trees. By stalking them, you can avoid drawing attention from any nearby deer.

Utilizing these effective walking strategies can increase your chances of approaching deer without startling them and your odds of getting a good shot.

Shot placement is important for deer hunting

The correct placement of your shots is essential for successful deer hunting. A well-placed shot can produce a swift, moral kill, whereas a poorly-placed shot can cause injuries and needless animal suffering. Knowing the whitetail deer’s anatomy and where to aim is crucial.

The heart, lungs, and other critical organs are housed in the chest cavity of deer. Ittoto aims towards this region.  The best shooting position is necessary in order to make a successful shot. Just behind S is the best shooting position. That does the most harm and raises the likelihood that you may strike the heart and lungs.

Practice and familiarity with your equipment are necessary for proper shot placement. It is essentially skillful to use your weapon—whether a rifle or a bow—and be aware of its trajectory at various ranges. Additionally, waiting for the ideal broadside or quartering-away aspect will significantly improve your odds of hitting the target accurately.

Pursuing these gorgeous animals means going for swift kills that cause the least suffering. Thus, before entering the field, always practice good shot placement tactics!

Changing calls and smells according to the season:

Using calls and scents can significantly increase your chances of success when deer hunting. It’s crucial to keep in mind that the season can have an impact on how effective these strategies are.

The Bucks are more receptive to calling during the pre-rut and rut seasons. Grunt calls and rattling horns can be used to imitate the sounds of rival males and draw them to your area. Doe bleats, which denote the presence of a receptive female, can also be helpful at this time.

Deer behavior alters as the season moves towards the post-rut and late-season. Bucks become more cautious and less active, which decreases their propensity to react to aggressive calling techniques. Instead, use quiet, attentive, or soft social grunts to mimic a buck looking for a mate.

Make the necessary adjustments when using scents as well. Avoid employing potent estrus scents in the early part of the season when deer are not yet breeding, as they could startle wary males. Instead, choose natural scents that pique attention, such as food odors or earthy cover scents.

You’ll increase your chances of capturing those elusive whitetail deer by altering your calls and odors according to your deer hunting season!

Getting Local Information

Acquiring local knowledge is a crucial first step in mastering deer hunting. Understanding your hunting area’s unique terrain and deer patterns can make all the difference, regardless of how much research you’ve done or how competent you are.

Spend some time conversing with local hunters who are familiar with the area. They can offer insightful information regarding deer behavior, food habits, and well-traveled pathways. They could also offer advice on where to set up your booth for the best results.

Before the start of hunting season, personally scout the region. Tracks or rubbings on trees are common indications of deer activity. Pay attention to potential food sources, such as crops or acorn-rich areas, that may draw deer during their feeding times.

If you are unfamiliar with the area, consider hiring a tour. A skilled guide can assist with navigating challenging terrain and provide intimate knowledge about the best hunting locations.

By gathering local knowledge using these techniques, You’ll gain a deeper awareness of your deer hunting grounds and raise your chances of success when seeking whitetail deer in 2023.

Shooting Practise from Various Positions

It’s essential to be ready for every eventuality when deer hunting. Practice shooting from various perspectives is one preparation step that is frequently ignored. You can come across circumstances in the field where the deer is not exactly in front of you. During your training sessions, practice shooting from different angles to increase your accuracy and likelihood of a clean kill.

Start by positioning targets at various locations and distances. Practice shooting both while standing and when seated or on your knees. It will assist in simulating actual hunting situations in which you might have to fire while hiding behind cover or from a high perch.

In order to simulate the difficulties encountered during actual hunts, you should also think about practicing shooting on uneven terrain. The trajectory and accuracy of a bullet can be considerably impacted by shooting uphill or downhill. Thus, it’s crucial to be aware of these angles before shooting.

Keep in mind that perfecting the art of deer hunting necessitates developing your abilities in all areas, including shot placement from varied angles. Spend some time practicing shooting in various situations to prepare for any aspect that may show itself in the field.

Breathing Techniques to Increase Accuracy

Accuracy is essential when hunting deer. The significance of using the right breathing techniques is one crucial factor that is sometimes disregarded. Breathing exercises will help you make clean, moral killings and greatly enhance your firearm accuracy.

Instead of shallow chest breathing, pay attention to deep belly breathing. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, and then exhale completely through your mouth. This method aids in bodily and mental relaxation, easing stress or anxiety that can impair your shot.

When taking a shot, practice holding your breath during the natural interval between breathing and exhaling. Any movement that can affect your aim is minimized during this brief period of stillness.

When hunting or waiting for a deer to arrive, be conscious of managing your breath during exciting or adrenaline-filled moments. You can keep your composure and steadily position yourself for an accurate shot by deliberately slowing down and controlling your breathing.

Don’t forget to include these easy-to-do but powerful breathing techniques in your pre-hunt routine to improve shot accuracy in the field!

Moral deer Hunting Techniques

As responsible hunters, we must put ethical hunting techniques first when going after whitetail deer. Here are some essential guidelines to keep in mind:

1. Respect for Wildlife: Show all wildlife consideration and respect. Always endeavor to reduce suffering and ensure humane killings because hunting is a privilege.

2. Respect for Laws: Become well-versed in and strictly abide by regional hunting laws. That entails obtaining the required permits, adhering to bag restrictions, and respecting the appropriate seasons.

3. Support conservation efforts by donating to organizations that restore habitat or by signing up for activities that enhance deer populations and their ecosystems.

4. Making Ethical Shots: Aim to target essential organs like the heart or lungs when you take a shot. Practice shooting from varied angles.

5. Handle harvested animals appropriately by field dressing them correctly as soon as possible after the kill, reducing waste, and, whenever possible, using all of the animal’s edible parts.

6. Always prioritize safety when handling firearms or participating in hunting activities. Be mindful of your surroundings, use safe firearm techniques, wear the proper safety gear, and let people know where you will be before entering the field.

7.Education and Continuous Improvement: Attend seminars or courses provided by credible organizations committed to hunter education to stay updated on hunting tactics, tools, and legal and regulatory developments.


Incorporating these moral guidelines into our deer hunting methods and becoming proficient with the tried-and-true guidance provided in this article on how to hunt whitetail deer successfully in 2023 will not only improve our experiences but also help to safeguard this cherished tradition for future generations.

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